
Welcome to Zenerations Jamaica

About Us

Zenerations is a youth-led platform dedicated to showcasing the talents, achievements, thoughts, lifestyles, and experiences of Generation Z. We aim to establish a sense of community, diversity, and positivity.

We are the Jamaican branch of Zenerations.


Our mission is to use the voices of Gen Z to influence change through various forms of media and create a community of passionate youth who are interested in current events, social justice issues, and expression through art, writing, photography, fundraisers, and events.


Our vision is to cultivate a future where Gen Z influences societal change in all aspects, including politics, the environment, and education. It is our vision to contribute to Jamaica, by bringing together passionate and driven youth who will positively impact the country.

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“I am extreme in all that I am and all that I do. This, I believe, will break down walls and invite inclusion for all.” 

-Burlap Media on ‘Gen Z’
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