4 Things to do on Valentine’s Day if you’re single or aromantic

by Levi (Destiny) Johnson | February 14, 2022

1. Have a Self Care Day

Today, you can focus on you!

  • Run yourself a bath, or take a cleansing shower
  • Do a skin care routine
  • Binge your comfort shows

2. Go Out With Friends

While Jamaica might seem to lack activities, you can:

  • Go out to eat
  • Go to a beach/river
  • Go to the movie theatre
  • Do skateboard lessons together

3. Stay off Social Media

There’s no doubt that social media will be filled with Valentine’s Day posts.

Put your phone down today, if they make you uncomfortable or annoyed, and use the time to connect with yourself.

4. Write a letter to yourself

Using FutureMe, you can write a letter and have it emailed to you at a selected point in future.

Get as detailed as you want. You can even check out some public letters.

There’s nothing wrong with being single, especially not on Valentine’s Day.

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